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Monday, February 18, 2013

Nu Gundam Update

I had a chance to paint my Nu, and after seeing Syd's from, I really wanted to do the color split in the arm.
I did that all today, but did not paint the shoulder. Just did not feel like it =P On the right leg (your left) I wanted to try a half dark and half light. I like the way it looks. Just wanted to test something out I suppose. I took the head apart and painted the sensors blue, I did not care for the foil stickers. I am planning on painting the chin just not sure what color yet. And the PsyCom frame will be... Orange! I think it will look snazzy. The Dark body pieces I will be painting Arctic Blue- Metallic, unless I come across some other color I like. Kind of thinking purple would look cool. We will see. I probably will not be painting tomorrow because tomorrow is my birthday! And I will be out and about =) Plus I have a report due in history on Pual Revere's Ride. You want a boring book to read? Take that one. Never have I fallen asleep while reading but this book made me knock out twice! TWICE I TELL YOU. Well till my next post! Thoughts on it so far?
*Sorry for the low quality pics :'/ I need to invest in a camera or get a better phone with a nice camera.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Delayed Building

*Sigh* Another Week of no building. I have the Inner Frame done just need to paint it. But I need pick up more paint.  I build the beam rifle, and it looks okay. Need to paint the top part that is dark blue. Least next week is my Bday Woot!
I do not know what to get either =/ I kind of want a Zoid but they are pricey... also been looking at the Evangelion  models that look cool. We will see when the time comes. In the mean time I have papers to write.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

WIP (Work In Progress) Nu Ver Ka.

        This week has been a real drag, with school and crummy weather playing a big part. But with my Buster being done, I have moved on to the MG Nu Ver Ka. At first I did not have any plans at painting it, but then I saw the inner frame and how much was exposed, I saw the dark blue parts as well and so I decided to I have to do some light painting after all.
Let's Begin!
I would have added a shot of all the runners, but my table is being occupied by other things separate from my model.
I really like the head of the Nu, it is sleek and mean. The side vents and the three face vents are hollow and allow the inner frame portion of the head to add the color. The only panel lining I did was the frontward facing vents and the side grooves on the head. I also painted the Vulcan Cannons because they were a rather boring white the blended in with the head. Had they been an off white then I do not know if  I would still would painted them. Somethings to note; the V Fin, while awesome, feels brittle and very thin. Just be cautious with it. Color wise I love the black thing holding the V Fin down. But... hate the foil sensors that go behind the V Fin and on the under backside of the head.

The arms are what made me want to paint the inner frame. The circular part in the middle of the arm is exposed and just does not sit well with me. Like, it bugs the hell out of me for some irrational reason. But I digress. I like the arms in general. Nice, smooth movement. My beef with the arms, aside from the gray part, is in the hands and wrist. Dear Lord, I was raging on how bad I almost screwed up the hands.
Rage and Heart Palpitations
First off, the wrist part tends to come a little loose at times. I ended up breaking the apex point of the index finger on the left hand and the Ring Finger on the right =/ I do not know how I even did that! In terms of articulation, they move well ONCE you loosen the parts. I wanted to take out the Right Hand but ended up breaking(?) it. I do not have a pick for fear if I pull it out again I won't be so lucky the second time. The Ball joint in on the hand apparently is two parts, when I made a boo boo I pulled out the stem which goes into the ball joint. Lucky!
Ah the chest portion. It went together smoothly, feels really light. No negative comments thus far, I mean really? It is the bare chest. The PsyCom (?) frame is a little pain, just because of the foil stickers that go on the underside of it. They are "supposed" to add more a metallic reflection so the frame is easier to see once the armor is on... but honestly I do not see the big difference. I might paint the those parts in the future, if I settle on a color choice.
Waist part
For some reason, I liked these pics. Maybe in the future, as a project when I have cash to blow, I  will make a Nu Guntank.
The foot is nice. I am digging the ankle ball rotation. I want to paint to it a Black Chrome but do not know what I have to do in order to get that the effect. Anyone else know?

A shot of some of the leg *Wink Wink*. Those pistons are really nice, but again, they show and look rather plain unpainted. Leg movement in general is nice. Nothing bad to say yet, nothing wowing to say yet either. Solid legs.

Here is where I am at now. I will be needing to make a run to the store for thinner and paint, so painitng will have to wait. Until then I have been panel lining some of the weapons and armor pieces. Oh when I panel line I use a mechanical pencil. On white armor it looks nice and easy to smudge some shading on. Maybe I will do a page on how I do it and why I like it.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Finished Buster Gundam!

 So here is my first painted model! MG Buster Gundam! Thoughts?
Missile Pods open


Doomy Doomy Doom

Combined Weapon

Different Angle

Okay... here I broke the ball that goes into the weapon and allows it to rotate. So I used a drill and made the initial hole bigger then Super Glued a air-soft bullet on the tip. It is doing the job in supporting the gun =/ but I am heartbroken. 
Add caption

Final Pose
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